Nov 2024: Chrysanthemums

Hello! Whew, it’s been awhile. I needed quite a long rest, recovery time, but I’m dipping my toes back in for my Nature Nearby column. I’m thrilled to have this short piece posted with Eden Prairie Local News. It feels a little like coming home and I’m in a good place to continue on a monthly schedule.

clicky link on website: An ode to chrysanthemums: These autumn blooms bring us beauty – Eden Prairie Local News

link as text (which transforms into clicky link in email if you’re a subscriber (see righthand column on blog)):

Other updates:

*I’ll be in residency at Write On, Door County at the beginning of December. So looking forward to returning to Door County and teaching my Writing Nature Nearby class.

*I’m a consignment artist with The Shop at MCBA: The Shop at MCBA – Minnesota Center for Book Arts. My Shine book is available online and in store there are bookmaking kits that I assemble for anyone who just wants to buy a kit and make a book. Everything is included!

Thanks for reading!

Feb 2023: Mega-snowstorm

So, we’ve gotten some snow this winter. I wrote about shoveling it, walking in it, enjoying it.

clicky link on website: Snow days are slower days – Eden Prairie Local News

link as text (which transforms into clicky link in email if you’re a subscriber (see righthand column on blog)):

February is almost over. Whew.

Be well, take care, find nature nearby.

So. Much. Snow.

December 2022: Beavers at Red Rock Lake

Happy Holidays, Dear Readers. May you be as warm and snug as the beavers this week when the mighty winter storm blows through!

clicky link on website: New neighbors arrive at Red Rock Lake – Eden Prairie Local News (

link as text (which transforms into clicky link in email if you’re a subscriber (see righthand column)):

For better pictures, follow the link to my column. Alas, no pictures of the beavers. Yet.

Who felled that tree?!

October 2022: Turtles

Well, hello. Long time, no see. I’m getting back into my monthly columns after an extended break. Here’s a short piece about baby snapping turtles:

clicky link: Be on the lookout for turtles crossing streets – Eden Prairie Local News (

link as text:

‘Til next time, thanks for reading!

April 2022: Ode to Spring

Link to this months’ column: Spring is just around the corner – Eden Prairie Local News (

March and April have been difficult, dreary months for me. I don’t think we’ve had more than two sunny good-weather days in a row. I’m glad for the rain (we need it), but I am so looking forward to when everything turns green and flowers bloom!

Soon, soon the MN Landscape Arboretum will be filled with tulips.

Jan 2022 column: Running on New Year’s Day

Running on New Year’s Day is a chilly tradition – Eden Prairie Local News

12th year of a beloved and super cool tradition.

Here’s a picture from Jan 1, 2019. Teaching my kiddos fortitude and the miracle of layers and body heat. We followed up our 1-mile walk with lots of hot chocolate and apple cider, so I hope they forgive me some day. Especially Mr. Scarf Head.

C-c-c-c-cold! January 1, 2019. New Year’s Day Run/Walk/Shuffle around Purgatory Creek Park, Eden Prairie, MN.